Wednesday, December 17, 2008

No Steve at Macworld and the last Macworld for Apple?

Wow! What a twist of events.  I bet nobody saw that one coming. So I reached out to a source, we will call her "Insider E,"  to get her feedback as to why the sudden move.  Her initial response matches what all the other news sources had said.  "Apple does not need Macworld. It does not benefit [Apple] the way it once did." She explained that the endless hunger from fans for new products caused by these shows are not beneficial to Apple in the long run. These shows and the rumors leading up to them hurt  Apple, she said. 
"Apple is about creating amazing products that customers never dreamed of. Apple is not about creating products that the market want. That is called commoditization and we leave that to other companies. "

So there you have it.  It makes sense to me.  So Apple's stance is that rumor sites are bad and trade shows are feeding the frenzy.

We then had a long conversation about what my goal is with this blog site and why am I wasting my time on this. My response, was that if what she said is the DNA of Apple, to me, that's what keeps feeding my curiosity of "what's next." Apple is like watching a good movie that full of suspense where you never know what's going to happen next.

Plus, their marketing strategies at times are brilliant, completely unexpected and yet effective.  Great research information for a future master thesis. 

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